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What’s the important thing during producing to extend the service life of equipment?

Mar 12, 2024

Periodical maintenance and strengthening attendance!

The customers always pay attention to the working hours of the machinery,when purchasing the beverage machinery. The service time of equipment is closely related to the correct operation and periodical maintenance. Periodical maintenance can not only extend the service time of machinery, but also promptly identify and solve potential problems, ensuring the efficiency of machinery use. The maintenance of machinery mainly includes cleaning, lubrication of components, tightening, and so on.

The complete 24000bph water producing line which includes blowing, filling, and capping integrated machine, labeling and packing machine has set periodical maintenance and upkeep times for the equipment when determining the production plan. Currently, the water production line in our Africa customer factory has been producing bottled water for 2 years and running well!4

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